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  • We will consistently strive to provide quality services to our clients and to the community in accordance with the highest professional and ethical standards possible.
  • We will abide by Federal, State, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances.
  • We will not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability.
  • We will fulfil our obligation to screen, test, manage, and evaluate personnel.
  • We will fulfil our obligation to orient employees to their roles and to provide staff development education to maintain currency of knowledge and skills needed to competently serve our clients.
  • We adhere to standards of integrity in advertising, marketing, billing practices, and managing the services we offer.
  • We will assist in admitting, planning and discharging consumers in a manner to meet the total consumer care needs in cooperation with community resources and agencies.
  • We will not knowingly misrepresent the relationship of the Company to other health care providers, institutions, or payers.
  • We will take appropriate precautions necessary to ensure the safety of our employees and clients.
  • We will take appropriate measures to provide our clients with respect, emotional support, and personal dignity.

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